Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconHelp auras

A Killer's default Aura-reading


A Survivor's Aura-reading with Bond

Auras are a Game Mechanic integral to the gameplay in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

Visión General[ | ]

For a guide on some in-game distances to better gauge the working-radius of Aura-reading Perks, please refer to Distances.

Some Unlockables unlock potential in one's Aura-reading abilities.

Auras can be seen through obstacles and usually across long distances. Aura-reading abilities are great for locating Allies, Enemies or Objectives.

Colores del Aura[ | ]

Auras come in different colours, depending on whether the Aura is from an Objective, an Ally or an Enemy.

Aura Colour General Usage Usage in Killers Usage in Survivors
Red Default Aura-reading abilities
  • Generators IconHelpLoading generators
  • Hooks IconHelpLoading hook
  • Survivor Auras revealed by Unlockables
  • Dying IconHelp dying Survivors
  • Survivors on a Hook IconHelpLoading hook
  • Killer belongings revealed by a Map IconItems map
Pink Enemy Auras -
  • Killer Aura revealed by Unlockables
Purple -
  • Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor
    • Illusionary Doctors (formerly)
  • Objectives revealed by a Map IconItems map or Déjà Vu IconPerks dejaVu
  • Chests IconHelp chests revealed by a Map IconItems map or Plunderer's Instinct IconPerks plunderersInstinct
Yellow Allied Auras
  • Hooks IconHelpLoading hook with a hooked Survivor
  • Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor
    • Illusionary Doctors (currently)
    • Illusionary Pallets
  • Survivor Auras revealed by Unlockables
  • Auras of Windows IconHelp window and Pallets IconHelp pullDown revealed by Windows Of Opportunity IconPerks windowsOfOpportunity
Blue Special Objectives
  • Lunar Hooks IconHelpLoading hook
  • Grill Hooks IconHelpLoading hook

Habilidades que usan el Aura[ | ]

Superviviente[ | ]

Icon Name Description
IconPerks alert Alert Tus agudos sentidos están en alerta máxima.

Cuando el Asesino rompe algo, puedes verlo durante 3/4/5 segundos.

"Tengo una vista privilegiada". — Feng Min

IconPerks bond Bond Desbloquea la capacidad de percibir Auras. Se te revelan las Auras IconHelp auras de los aliados en un radio de 20/28/36 metros.

"Tenemos que trabajar como un equipo, ¡Necesito que sobreviváis para que yo también pueda hacerlo!" — Dwight Fairfield

IconPerks darkSense Dark Sense Desbloquea el potencial en la habilidad de analizar auras. Cuando las Puertas de salida IconHelp exitGates se te revela el aura IconHelp auras del asesino durante {{{1}}}/{{{2}}}/{{{3}}}.

"Como dijo un sabio: Relájate, no te apresures ¡y no te preocupes! La mejor forma de combatirlo es saber cómo piensa". — Murf, The Lost Tapes

IconPerks dejaVu Déjà Vu Permite percibir Auras. Tu paranoia y tu terror al fracaso te impulsan a evitar repetir viejos errores.

Al principio de cada partida y cada vez que se complete un generador, se te revelan durante 30/45/60 segundos las Auras IconHelp auras de 3 Generadores IconHelpLoading generators próximos entre sí.

Si tienes en la mano un Mapa IconItems map que pueda localizar Generadores, los revelados por Déjà Vu se añaden a él.

IconPerks detectivesHunch Detective's Hunch Permite percibir Auras. Cuando se complete un Generador, podrás ver el Aura IconHelp auras de los Generadores IconHelpLoading generators, Cofres IconHelp chests, Tótems IconHelpLoading totem en un radio de 32/48/64 metros durante 10 segundos.

Si tienes en la mano un Mapa IconItems map que pueda localizar Objetivos, Generadores, Cofres y Tótems revelados con Corazonada, se añaden al Mapa.

"¿Podría decirnos dónde estuvo anoche?" — Detective David Tapp

IconPerks empathy Empathy Permite percibir Auras.

Las Auras IconHelp auras de aliados Agonizantes IconHelp dying o Heridos IconHelp injured se te revelan en un radio 64/96/128 metros. Empatía no revela las auras de aliados cuando están en contacto directo con el Asesino.

IconPerks kindred Kindred Desbloquea el potencial en la habilidad de analizar auras. Mientras estés en el gancho, el aura de 8/12/16 metros los supervivientes se revela al resto de supervivientes.

"Sed amables los unos con los otros. Estamos juntos en esto". — Cintas perdidas: Sujan

IconPerks objectOfObsession Object Of Obsession Un vínculo sobrenatural te une al asesino.

Cuando ves en su dirección, vuestro vínculo os muestra el Aura IconHelp auras del uno al otro, y viceversa. Solo se aplica si estás fuera del Radio de Terror del asesino.

Si eres la Obsesión IconHelp obsession, este efecto se activa en un alcance máximo de 56/64/72 metros. En caso contrario, de 44/56/64 metros.

  • Aumenta las probabilidades de que seas la obsesión del asesino.
  • El Asesino no puede obsesionarse con más de un Superviviente a la vez.

"¡Me estaba mirando!". — Laurie Strode

IconPerks plunderersInstinct Plunderer's Instinct Desbloquea el potencial de la habilidad de analizar auras. Las auras IconHelp auras de los cofres IconHelp chests se te revelan cuando te encuentras en un radio de 16/24/32 metros. Otorga una posibilidad {{{4}}}/{{{5}}}/{{{6}}} superior de encontrar un objeto IconHelp items de mayor rareza en los cofres.
IconPerks wakeUp Wake Up! Permite percibir Auras.

Cuando se repare el último Generador IconHelpLoading generators, verás las Puertas de Salida IconHelp exitGates dentro de un radio de 128 metros. Mientras abres una puerta el resto de Supervivientes verá tu Aura IconHelp auras dentro de una distancia de 128 metros.

Mientras ¡Despierta! esté activo, abrirás las Puertas de Salida un 5/10/15 % más rápido.

IconPerks windowsOfOpportunity Windows Of Opportunity Permite percibir Auras.

Se te revelan las Auras de Palés IconHelp pullDown y saltos a menos de 32 metros.

"Madruga, esfuérzate, trabaja con empeño.
Apunta a la fama y dispara sin dudar.
La fe y la familia debes valorar.
Crea oportunidades para cumplir tus sueños". — "Oportunidades", de Kate Denson

Asesino[ | ]

Icon Name Description
IconPerks aNursesCalling A Nurse's Calling Desbloquea el potencial de la habilidad de analizar auras.

Se te revelan las Auras IconHelp auras de los supervivientes que se están curando o están siendo curados si se encuentran en un radio de 20/24/28 metros

"Apegada aún a los restos de su pasado, se siente atraída por los que necesitan ayuda".

IconPerks barbecueAndChilli Barbecue & Chilli Un profundo vínculo con el Ente IconHelp entity te permite percibir auras. Tras colgar a un Superviviente, podrás ver el Aura IconHelp auras del resto durante 4 segundos si están a más de 40 metros de distancia del Gancho IconHelpLoading hook.
  • Cada vez que cuelgas a un Superviviente por primera vez, consigues un multiplicador acumulable de Puntos de Sangre del 25 % hasta un máximo del 50/75/100 %.
  • Esta bonificación solo se concede después de la partida.

"Matar no me produce ningún placer. Hay cosas que uno tiene que hacer, sin más. No tienen por qué gustarte". — Drayton Sawyer

IconPerks bitterMurmur Bitter Murmur Desbloquea el potencial en la habilidad de analizar auras. Se te revelan las Auras IconHelp auras de los supervivientes durante 5/7/10 segundos cuando las Puertas de salida IconHelp exitGates se accionen.
IconPerks bloodWarden Blood Warden Una vez por partida, una vez que al menos una puerta de salida esté abierta, si cuelgas a un superviviente, invocarás al Ente IconHelp entity, que bloqueará las salidas para todos los supervivientes durante 30/40/60 segundos. Mientras Guardián de Sangre esté activa, verás las auras IconHelp auras de los supervivientes que se encuentren en las zonas de salida IconHelp exitGates.
IconPerks deerstalker Deerstalker Desbloquea el potencial en la habilidad de analizar auras. Se te revelan las Auras IconHelp auras de supervivientes moribundos cuando se encuentran en un radio de 20/28/36 metros.
IconPerks territorialImperative Territorial Imperative Desbloquea el potencial en la habilidad de analizar auras. Se te revelan las auras IconHelp auras de los supervivientes durante 3 segundos cuando llegan al sótano IconHelp basement y tú estás a más de 32 metros de distancia de la entrada del mismo.

Ordenamiento territorial sólo se puede activar una vez cada {{{1}}}/{{{2}}}/{{{3}}}.

"No estamos a salvo en ningún sitio..."

Habilidades que afectan al Aura[ | ]

Superviviente[ | ]

Icon Name Description
IconPerks boilOver Boil Over Tienes un espíritu luchador y haces todo por zafarte del enemigo.

Tus efectos de forcejeo contra el Asesino aumentan en un 60/70/80 %.

Nublas la habilidad del Asesino de ver Auras IconHelp auras de Gancho IconHelpLoading hook en un radio de 16/16/16 metros.

Obtienes un 33 % del progreso de forcejeo actual cuando el asesino caiga desde una gran altura.

"A golpes y patadas
intento liberarme:
tus manos no pueden pararme". — "Arrebato", de Kate Denson

Unknown QuestionMark Open Handed Mejora la capacidad de percibir auras de tu equipo y tuya.
  • Aumenta el alcance de la percepción de auras en 4/6/8 metros.

"Prestar atención es lo que me ha mantenido con vida todos estos años. Eso y mi atractivo, por supuesto". — Ace Visconti

IconPerks soleSurvivor Sole Survivor A medida que tus amigos caigan en manos del asesino, te embargará la soledad y la capacidad del Asesino para detectar tu aura se verá perturbada.

Cada vez que un Superviviente sea asesinado o sacrificado, obtendrás un distintivo. Por cada distintivo, el Asesino no podrá detectar tu Aura IconHelp auras a una distancia máxima de 20/22/24 metros por cada Superviviente asesinado o sacrificado.

Si eres el último superviviente con vida:

Obtienes un 75 % de velocidad de acción al reparar generadores.

Obtienes un 50 % de velocidad de acción al abrir las Puertas de Salida IconHelp exitGates o la Trampilla IconHelp hatch

  • Aumenta las porobabilidades de que te conviertas en la obsesión de asesino.
  • El asesino no puede Obsesionarse con mas de un superviviente.

"Era el hombre del saco". — Laurie Strode

Asesino[ | ]

Icon Name Description
IconPerks knockOut Knock Out El trauma causado por tus brutales ataques hace que pedir ayuda sea extremadamente difícil. Los supervivientes agonizantes no se revelan a los demás mientras permanezcan a más de 32/24/16 metros de alcance.

"Esa pistola no sirve. A la antigua usanza... ¡con una almendra! Así es mejor. Así mueren mejor". — Nubbins Sawyer

IconPerks surveillance Surveillance Permite percibir Auras.

Los Generadores IconHelpLoading generators que estén revirtiendo se iluminan con un Aura IconHelp auras blanca. Cuando se revierten del todo, el Aura se vuelve amarilla durante 8/12/16 seconds.

La distancia a la que se percibe el ruido de las reparaciones aumenta 8 metros.

"¿Vas a portarte bien?" — Amanda Young

IconPerks hexTheThirdSeal Hex: The Third Seal Un maleficio que perjudica la capacidad propia de analizar auras.

Goplear a un enemigo mientras haya un tótem de maleficio activo reduce la efectividad de su habilidad de análisis de auras un 100%. Este efecto se aplica a los últimos 2/3/4 Supervivientes golpeados.

Los efectos del maleficio persisten mientras el tótem IconHelpLoading totem correspondiente siga en pie.

"Ella ha tocado tu piel, ¡llevas la marca de la bruja!"

Desbloqueables que usan Aura[ | ]

Objetos[ | ]

Icon Name Description Durability Rarity
Map (Item) An old piece of parchment made out of a skin-like material. Is rolled and sealed with an uncoloured leather string. Holding and channelling the map unlocks great potential in one's Aura reading ability which slowly burns the map. Generators' Auras which you have already encountered are revealed to you for as long as the map has charges left.
  • Starts with 1 Generator IconHelpLoading generators tracked.
  • Unlocks ability to track generators within 8 meters.
20 segundos
FulliconItems rainbowMap
Rainbow Map A piece of parchment made out of oddly fresh skin. Blood on its edge has yet to dry. It is rolled and sealed with multiple coloured ropes and cords. Holding and channelling the map unlocks a great potential in one's Aura reading ability which slowly burns up the map. Objects with Auras which you have already encountered are revealed to you for as long as the map has charges left.
  • Starts with 3 Objects tracked.
  • Unlocks the ability to track Generators IconHelpLoading generators within an 8 meter range.
  • Unlocks the ability to track Hooks IconHelpLoading hook within an 8 meter range.
  • Unlocks the ability to track Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates within an 8 meter range.
  • Unlocks the ability to track the Hatch IconHelpLoading hatch within an 8 meter range.

"It disheartens me. All this unspeakable knowledge and gruelling effort and yet nothing tangible, nothing usable to get out of this nightmare." — Vigo's Journal

20 segundos
FulliconItems brokenKey
Broken Key The bow and shank of a key, vibrating with power. The Broken Key's power cannot be triggered by itself. Various objects can be attached to its jump ring, which channels the Broken Key's power into various effects.
  • Requires Add-ons IconHelp addons for any abilities.
10 segundos
FulliconItems dullKey
Dull Key A bent and dull Key that once held great power. The Dull Key's power cannot be triggered by itself. Various objects can be attached to its jump ring, which channels the Dull Key's remaining power into various effects.
  • Can be consumed to open the Hatch IconHelpLoading hatch.
5 segundos
Muy Raro(a)
FulliconItems skeletonKey
Skeleton Key A tarnished and crooked Key, vibrating with ominous power. The Skeleton Key's power cannot be triggered by itself. Various objects can be attached to its jump ring, which channels the Skeleton Key's power into various effects.
  • Can be consumed to open the Hatch IconHelpLoading hatch.
30 segundos

Accesorios de Superviviente[ | ]

Icon Name Stacking Rarity Description Item
FulliconAddon erodedToken
Eroded Token
Poco Común
A heavily worn out token made of brass.
If an inscription or drawing was once engraved in it, it has today completely disappeared.
Can be attached to the Key using its jump ring to channel the Key's Aura-reading ability.
  • Unlocks the ability to reveal the Auras IconHelp auras of other Survivors within 24 metres.
KeyIconItems key
FulliconAddon scratchedPearl
Scratched Pearl
Poco Común
A porous and scratched white pearl.
A minuscule jump ring allows the pearl to be attached to the Key.
  • Increases the Key's Aura-reading range by +12 metres.
FulliconAddon goldToken
Gold Token
A gold token with a dull appearance.
Both faces are smooth and void of any inscriptions.
Can be attached to the Key using its jump ring to channel the Key's Aura-reading ability.
  • Unlocks the ability to reveal the Auras IconHelp auras of other Survivors within 48 metres.
FulliconAddon bloodAmber
Blood Amber
Muy Raro(a)
A blood-red amber striped with black veins.
The amber is warm to the touch.
Can be attached to the Key using its jump ring to channel the Key's Aura-reading ability.
  • Unlocks the ability to reveal the Aura IconHelp auras of the Killer within 32 metres.
  • Increases the Key's Depletion rate by +100 %.
FulliconAddon redTwine
Red Twine
Poco Común
A bristly and rough piece of twine of a deep red colour.
Can be tied around the Map to enhance its Aura-reading ability.
  • Unlocks the ability to track Killer Belongings.
MapIconItems map
FulliconAddon unusualStamp
Unusual Stamp
Poco Común
A wooden stamp with a cross-hatched rubber pad used to mark documents.
It is unclear as to how or by whom this stamp was originally used.
  • Increases the Map's Tracking range by +8 metres.
FulliconAddon yellowWire
Yellow Wire
Poco Común
A small electrical wire.
Both ends are heavily damaged like it has been forcefully torn out of its intended location.
Can be tied around the Map to enhance its Aura-reading ability.
  • Unlocks the ability to track the Exit Gate IconHelp exitGates Switches.
FulliconAddon blackSilkCord
Black Silk Cord
A smooth black cord with a soft appearance.
Can be tied around the Map to enhance its Aura-reading ability.
  • Unlocks the ability to track the Hatch IconHelp hatch.
FulliconAddon oddStamp
Odd Stamp
A stamp carved out of sturdy blonde wood.
The text found at the base is incomprehensible: "kw'zvre'od".
  • Increases the Map's Tracking range by +12 metres.
FulliconAddon crystalBead
Crystal Bead
Muy Raro(a)
An intricate set of lenses wrapped up in an astonishingly complex apparatus.
The gears controlling the lenses' focus move by themselves as to focus on something invisible to humans.
  • Reveals the Auras IconHelp auras generated by the Map to all Survivors.

Accesorios de Asesino[ | ]

Icon Name Stacking Rarity Description Power
FulliconAddon pussyWillowCatkins
Pussy Willow Catkins
Poco Común
A handful of small, pristine flower clusters covered in a fine greyish fur.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors tripping a Phantasm Trap are revealed to The Hag for 3 seconds.
Blackened CatalystIconHelpLoading hag
FulliconAddon willowWreath
Willow Wreath
Three frail willow branches attached to form a triangular wreath.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors tripping a Phantasm Trap are revealed to The Hag for 5 seconds.
FulliconAddon restraintClassII
"Restraint" - Class II
Poco Común
An experimental ECT procedure developed within The Fog.
Uses a wavelength that links the patient's and The Doctor's minds.
This procedure is known to cause mild cases of hallucination in the patient.
  • When a Survivor's Madness IconStatusEffects madness increases a Tier, their Aura IconHelp auras is revealed for 1 second.

Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:

  • Increases the Illusionary Doctor duration by +6 seconds.

The Doctor shares in his patients' Madness in order to see the Illusionary Doctors.

Carter's SparkIconHelpLoading doctor
FulliconAddon restraintClassIII
"Restraint" - Class III
An experimental ECT procedure developed within The Fog.
Uses a high stimulus wavelength to link the patient's and The Doctor's minds.
This procedure is known to cause serious cases of hallucinations in the patient.
  • When a Survivor's Madness IconStatusEffects madness increases a Tier, their Aura IconHelp auras is revealed for 2 seconds.

Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:

  • Increases the Illusionary Doctor duration by +6 seconds.

The Doctor shares in his patients' Madness in order to see the Illusionary Doctors.

FulliconAddon restraintCartersNotes
"Restraint" - Carter's Notes
Muy Raro(a)
An experimental ECT procedure developed within The Fog, crudely annotated.
Uses an unbearable stimulus wavelength to link the patient's and The Doctor's minds.
This procedure is known to cause severe cases of hallucinations in the patient.
  • When a Survivor's Madness IconStatusEffects madness increases a Tier, their Aura IconHelp auras is revealed for 3 seconds.

Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:

  • Increases the Illusionary Doctor duration by +6 seconds.

The Doctor shares in his patients' Madness in order to see the Illusionary Doctors.

"I CAN SEE THEIR DISGUSTING ILLNESSES ." — Unsigned Notes (potentially Herman Carter)

FulliconAddon classPhoto
Class Photo
Muy Raro(a)
A large photograph taken at Badham Preschool showing the cheerful class of '94-95.
  • Causes every Generator IconHelpLoading generators to spew blood while channelling Dream Projection and suppresses the Husk.
  • The Nightmare is unable to cancel Dream Projection once initiated.
Dream DemonIconHelpLoading nightmare
FulliconAddon reflectiveFragment
Reflective Fragment
Poco Común
A tiny piece of a highly reflective material most probably from a broken mirror.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors, who have been stalked for at least 1 second while in Evil Within II, are revealed for 2 seconds.
Evil WithinIconHelpLoading shape
FulliconAddon glassFragment
Glass Fragment
Poco Común
A tiny piece of tinted glass, probably from a broken object.
It is impossible to determine its origin.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors, who have been stalked for at least 1 second while in Evil Within I, are revealed for 3 seconds.
FulliconAddon mirrorShard
Mirror Shard
A large and sharp piece of a broken mirror.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors, who have been stalked for at least 1 second while in Evil Within II, are revealed for 5 seconds.
FulliconAddon vanityMirror
Vanity Mirror
Muy Raro(a)
A standing portable vanity mirror in perfect condition except for a fine layer of dust and face powder covering it.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of all Survivors within 16 metres of The Shape are revealed while Stalking in Evil Within II.
  • Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Brutality DailyRitualIcon brutality Category.
  • Grants 150 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within II.
FulliconAddon scratchedMirror
Scratched Mirror
Muy Raro(a)
A standing portable vanity mirror which has been violently scratched with a sharp metallic object.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of all Survivors within 32 metres of The Shape are revealed while Stalking in Evil Within I.
  • Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Brutality DailyRitualIcon brutality Category.
  • Grants 200 % bonus Bloodpoints for Hit Score Events in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category.
  • The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within I.
Unknown QuestionMark
Pungent Fiale
Add-on description has not yet been added to Template:Add-on desc 2 Hunting HatchetsIconHelpLoading huntress
FulliconAddon glowingConcoction
Glowing Concoction
Muy Raro(a)
An otherworldly concoction that faintly glows a foreboding light.
  • Survivors hit by Hatchets have their Aura IconHelp auras revealed to you for 5 seconds.
FulliconAddon amandasSecret
Amanda's Secret
Muy Raro(a)
A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses.
Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.
  • Survivors removing their Reverse Bear Trap IconPowers jigsawsBaptism trigger a Loud Noise Notification
  • Survivors removing their Reverse Bear Trap IconPowers jigsawsBaptism have their Aura IconHelp auras revealed to you for 6 seconds.
  • Disables your ability to see the Auras of Jigsaw Boxes IconHelp jigsawBoxes.
Jigsaw's BaptismIconHelpLoading pig
FulliconAddon amandasLetter
Amanda's Letter
A blackmailing Letter for the attention of Amanda.
Fills the reader with rage and focus.
  • When crouched, the Auras IconHelp auras of all Survivors within 16 metres are revealed to you.
  • Reduces available Reverse Bear Traps IconPowers jigsawsBaptism by -2 Traps.

"Amanda, you were with Cecil the night Jill lost Gideon. You killed their child. You know it and I know it." — Amanda's Letter

FulliconAddon tattoosMiddleFinger
Tattoo's Middle Finger
The prized middle finger of a large tattooed man.
Has a faint taste of machinery oil.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of both Intoxicated and Invigorated Survivors are revealed to you for 6 seconds.
The Afterpiece TonicIconHelpLoading clown
FulliconAddon allSeeing-Mud
"All Seeing" - Mud
Poco Común

The Kra-Frabai symbol, representing the Entity watching over us, is finger-drawn in mud on the head of the Bell.

Unlocks hidden potential in The Wraith's Aura-reading ability:

  • When cloaked, the Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors are revealed to you within 6 metres of your location.
Wailing BellIconHelpLoading wraith
FulliconAddon allSeeing-White
"All Seeing" - White

The Kra-Frabai symbol, representing the Entity watching over us, is stamped in white ink on the head of the Bell.

Unlocks hidden potential in The Wraith's Aura-reading ability:

  • When cloaked, the Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors are revealed to you within 8 metres of your location.
FulliconAddon allSeeing-Blood
"All Seeing" - Blood
Muy Raro(a)
The Kra-Frabai symbol, representing the Entity watching over us, is stamped in blood on the head of the Bell.

Unlocks hidden potential in The Wraith's Aura-reading ability:

  • When cloaked, the Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors are revealed to you within 8 metres of your location.
FulliconAddon allSeeing-Spirit
"All Seeing" - Spirit
The Kra-Frabai symbol, representing the Entity watching over us, ominously glows on the head of the Bell.

Unlocks hidden potential in The Wraith's Aura-reading ability:

  • When cloaked, the intensity of the Aura IconHelp auras of Generators reveal their Repair progression.